At the beginning of May this year, news broke that WhatsApp’s parent company Meta was working on a new feature that would prevent screenshots from being taken of profile photos. Now, thanks to our colleagues at WABetainfo , we know that the feature is already being widely tested in the beta version.
WhatsApp 's parent company has been working for years on privacy and security within the app. To do so, they integrated specifications such as end-to-end encryption and even messages that can only be seen, heard or read once.
Now, WhatsApp is acquiring a new layer of security, with which it will block screenshots of profile photos. That is, as soon as the Ghana WhatsApp Number List function is released in the stable version of WhatsApp for iOS, you will not be able to take screenshots of your contacts' profile photos again.
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As you can see in the attached screenshot, the app will show you a pop-up explaining that the screenshot is blocked. “To protect everyone’s privacy on WhatsApp, this screenshot has been blocked,” the message reads.
profile picturesThe new feature is designed to improve user privacy and mitigate the risks associated with unauthorized sharing WhatsApp Number Database and distribution of personal images. Of course, people can still use other devices to capture the image. However, blocking the feature within the app will reduce unauthorized sharing of profile photos.
For now, the feature was discovered in the latest WhatsApp beta update for so it is expected to only reach iOS devices when it is rolled out to all users. However, following the line of WhatsApp updates, this feature will surely expand to Android users later.